EARTH HOUR: 2 Days To Go.
How you can help:
With your friends and neighbours, join others at:
Lourdes Convent Open Air Courts, Saligao
on 23 March from 8:30-9:30 pm.
From the Earth Hour website...

Switch off!
On Saturday, 23rd March 2013, wherever you are, switch off lights for Earth Hour from 8:30 – 9:30 PM, and stand united with millions of others across the globe! Make sure your participation counts, by signing up
Spread the word
Help us reach out to your friends and families by talking about Earth Hour, and encouraging them to participate! Join our communities to keep up with latest news, events and activities, and make sure you share them with others.
Talk about it
If you write a blog, or own a website, tell others what you are doing for Earth Hour this year, and why you believe your actions can make a different to this planet! Through your actions, you can inspire many others to follow in your footsteps, and start a movement right where you are!
Become an organizer:
Don’t stop at just switching off lights at home! You can organize Earth Hour events to encourage your friends, family, and neighbours to participate. Start a signature campaign asking people to pledge their support, organize awareness marches around your locality, and distribute Earth Hour collaterals to your nearby market place. Encourage individuals to come together on the Earth Hour night to switch off collective, and celebrate with the world.
Write to for more ideas and assistance.
Know more
You can get in touch with the local WWF team in your city, and help them promote the campaign in your city. We are always looking for young and enthusiastic individuals to help us raise awareness and spread the message!
Switch On to Renewable Energy
This year, go one step further! Little things you do can go a long way in reducing your impact on the environment. Opt for easy and practical Renewable Energy solutions!
- Adopt solar powered household products to not only reduce your footprint on the environment, but also bring down your electricity bills! From simple products such as solar powered batteries, solar calculators, solar lanterns to outdoor solar lighting for pathways and gardens, and solar water heaters and fans, there are a range of products now available in the Indian market!
- You can install Photovoltaic (PV) panels on the rooftop of your house which convert solar radiations directly into electricity, and can support part of your energy needs.
- Use your kitchen organic waste to produce biogas that can be used for cooking in the kitchen. Creating mini biogas plants at home can be easy and safe!
- Constructing a new house or renovating? This could be your chance to use renewable energy to the maximum! Get your architect, landscape designer, and electrician, plumber, and energy consultants together, and ask for a design of a green building. The construction and operation of green buildings minimizes demand on non-renewable resources and maximizes the use of renewable sources such as solar and solar thermal, as well as reuse and recycle available resources. Green buildings may be expensive to construct, however, that cost is recovered in the long run due to much lower operation costs.
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